Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Take that, skanks

One of our main jobs as parents is to protect our kids, whether it be from weirdos at the park or hot stoves or spooky TV shows. Who could have guess that one of our partners in this struggle would be Barbie?

That's right, Barbie (and her friends at Mattel) took Yasmin, Jade, Cloe and Sasha -- better known as Bratz -- to court. And whomped them to the hit copyright infringement tune of $100 million.

If you're lucky enough not to know what Bratz is (and no, I'm not giving them free traffic by linking to their site), here it is: they're four little dolls who wear hooker boots and act like Paris Hilton's spoiled baby sister. They say things like, "I got a new car for my 16th birthday!" They look like tramps. They have an infernal spinoff called Baby Bratz.

So, Barbie comes along and takes one hundred mil away from their conscience-impoverished makers and instantly becomes my new heroine. That, together with the cinematic bomb that was Bratz: The Movie, will hopefully ensure that in a few years, the word "bratz" won't ever be part of my kids lexicon.


Vanessa said...

Those "dolls" look like they have been up all night doing not-very-wholesome-things, and I am not a prude at all. I was horrified the first time I saw one, and I can only hope that they, like communism, just kind of go away. That said, are Misses Anna and Judy ok? Their blog is totally dormant! I fret.

Jacob said...

I'm with you, Vanessa, on both the horrified-at-Bratz front and the where-are-Judy-and-Anna front.

Vanessa said...

ok. so it's not just me being a busybody, right? i hope they are okay!! i should point out that boys' toys are similarly horrifying, if more subtle. it's all so dreary and gender-targeted. we should not wonder why imagination is on the wane.