Friday, May 16, 2008

Sophie starts figuring things out

In the past, Lisa or I could safely drop Sophie off at day care without her asking meddling questions. As far as she's ever known, we leave her at day care and then we go to work. It works because it lends an importance the whole situation. We HAVE to go to work, which is why she HAS to go to day care.

But last week, she asked a question that chilled us. "Did you stay at home today?" she asked. Lisa and I froze while I thought of an appropriate but still truthful answer. "Yes, I was at home a little while, but I also had to go out and do some things. The most truthful answer would have been to say that I spent the day at home, writing emails, watching "30 Rock" episodes, taking a nap, and at one point running out to the grocery store.

She's starting to figure out that we have independent lives that continue on even after she stops seeing us. Damn it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
I am from Victoria, Australia.
I am wondering if you were at PCU in Jiaozuo Orphanage in August 2005?
If so, you may remember my daughter. I wonder if you could e-mail me? I would love to know if you recall her.
Thank you so much.